Lettuce Gather offers remote and hybrid internship opportunities for undergraduate and graduate students interested in Public Health in Southern California and abroad. Through our internship program, students have the opportunity for quarterly or year-round experience in applying their public health and health science education to community health initiatives and assisting in addressing community needs through community partnerships, volunteerism, and education.
My Story
We are a public health consulting company offering a wide variety of public health, community health, and healthcare administration services to our current clients. Current internship openings evolve as client’s needs and projects evolve, yet there are a few consistent core roles we need filled:
​Health Promotions/Healthcare Marketing: recruitment for programs, marketing materials & campaigns, marketing strategy, social media management, community engagement, community partnerships, PR/networking, technical skills, sales, etc.
Health Education/Content Development: research, analytical/creative writing, handout & educational materials development, infographics, animated materials, etc
Program/Project Management: manage multiple projects & programs using Google Suite, Grant/project managers, administration, organization, copywriting
Grant Writing & Management: research, writing & management of grants for NPOs
Interested students, please contact our Internship Coordinator at
Include in the subject header of your email:
“INTERNSHIP APPLICATION for [Your Name] from [School Name]”